Shelby County Resident George Flinn Runs for Office Again, This Time to Replace Lamar Alexander


Add Shelby County resident George Flinn to the list of announced candidates seeking to replace U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander in the U.S. Senate.

According to a release, Flinn, a Republican, believes too many politicians distract Americans with soundbites and spin and do not solve problems.

“Elected officials are more interested in being idols, celebrities, and stars. George Flinn is appalled by this trend and knows it is hindering America’s progress,” Flinn’s press release went on to say.

“Flinn is committed to providing real solutions, rather than being focused on distracting the voters. He knows government is about policies, passing bills, and being a servant to our country by implementing real solutions, not by sounding good and accomplishing nothing. George Flinn will bring back the true conservatism that this country was founded on.”

Flinn is a double-boarded certified M.D. in radiology and nuclear medicine, an electrical engineer and he has written multiple books, the release went on to say.

According to Flinn’s campaign website, Flinn believes Americans are exceptional and that America is “the greatest example of liberty for the world to see.”

Flinn also believes the U.S. Constitution is not a flexible document and that “limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people — must be preserved uncompromised for future generations.”

The Tennessee Journal: On The Hill detailed Flinn’s history of running for office.

“George Flinn, the Shelby County radiologist and broadcast company owner, has dropped $12.5 million of his own money on five unsuccessful congressional bids since 2010. He’s now announcing his latest Republican bid for the U.S. Senate,” according to the website.

“Flinn ran against U.S. Rep. David Kustoff (R-Memphis) in the last two cycles, dropping $6.1 million of his own money on those bids. It’s his second bid for the U.S. Senate, having spent $1.2 million in a 2014 bid. He finished that race in distant third behind incumbent Sen. Lamar Alexander and former state Rep. Joe Carr (R-Lascassas).”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “George Flinn” by George Flinn.






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One Thought to “Shelby County Resident George Flinn Runs for Office Again, This Time to Replace Lamar Alexander”

  1. John Waddell

    He cannot retire soon enough for me. He’s lived off the State of Tennessee too long.. He’s a slap in the face for all Republicans
